You will have a minimum of one ARCP each 12 months, during which your progress through the training programme will be assessed. You may have more ARCPs if a critical progression point falls midway through an ARCP year or if the ARCP panel decide they wish to monitor your progress more frequently.

The date of your ARCP should be indicated on your previous ARCP Outcome Form, and you can ask your TPD if you are unsure.

The ARCP will be conducted in your absence on this date. The panel will decide during your ARCP whether they wish to see you to give you feedback. This feedback will be delivered on the same day while the panel are present, and will be via MS Teams. You will likely have been told in advance if you are expected to be available to receive this feedback.

As a rule, you should make sure you are free on the day of your ARCP to attend a meeting via MS Teams if required.

Paperwork should be completed two weeks before your ARCP.

  • Please ensure you have met with your Educational Supervisor and planned a time to do your ESSR together, before this deadline.
  • Ensure you leave sufficient time for your college tutor to make their comment on this ESSR before the deadline.
  • As a minimum, you should have a completed ESSR on the LLP with ES and CT comments by the paperwork deadline and a copy of your Form R uploaded to your document store.

Educational Supervisor’s Structured Report (ESSRs)

You should complete an ESSR every time you move hospitals (with the exception of short rotations at BCH – the college tutor there will advise whether an ESSR is needed or not).

When preparing for an ARCP, you should complete one ESSR which covers the whole period since the last ARCP. This ensures all evidence is linked to one document and will encompass evidence from all rotations during this time period.

Stage One ARCP Dates

25th June 2025

27th June 2025


Stage Two and Three ARCP Dates

20th January 2025

3rd March 2025

23rd June 2025

7th July 2025

15th September 2025

10th November 2025